Waste To Treasure

Our program will demonstrate how to create high-value revenue for New Zealand firms while reducing a primary industry waste stream as part of our future circular economy.

We will develop high-value products derived from grape marc, to grow existing New Zealand industries and facilitate new ventures. Currently treated as waste, grape marc is a significant resource.
The NZ food industry will use grape proteins and bioactive polyphenols will as dietary ingredients in their own right, while antioxidant biopolymers will extend the shelf-life of food. We will create value out of fine chemical and surfactants based on grape marc components. We will introduce novel high value paper products with key industry partners, providing fire-retardant and antimicrobial properties and integrated paper-based electronics.

We will take a stakeholder co-creation approach in the design of novel products for applications in the food, pharmaceutical, building and fine chemicals sectors.


Grant Nr UOAX2311 Funded by New Zealand’s Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment

Our programme is structured in 3 interconnected Research Aims
Specialty Chemicals
Polyphenol based products
Functionalised grape marc paper